
#PROTAGCNISTS      independent, highly selective, multimuse roleplaying blog featuring both canon and original characters.
   written by  JESS  (she/her, 25+)   

This section will not show up on the carrd itself, this is here for instruction purposes only. You can delete this section if you want. If you have an issue or need help that isn't covered in the tips below, you are welcome to contact me for help via my askbox @rcsea on tumblr.

Terms of Use

  • Edit as much as you like, but don't remove any credits present. They are the small © symbols. Leave them alone. You may change the color to match your custom palette for your carrd but do not make them invisible or hard to see.

  • Don't claim as your own work OR use this template as a base for a different template OR use it for any commissions, paid or not. If you use this template, I don't care how much you edit it, go wild, but the credit has to stay intact and you cannot claim it as your own.

  • Do not use to promote illegal, harmful, or hateful content. No burn books, no hate blogs, no callout blogs, nothing of the sort.

How to Add More Muse Bios

  • At the bottom of the previous muse info section (should be the very bottom of the carrd unless you add other things), add a new #sectionbreak and name it what you wish. If you don't know how to do that, you can just copy the #muse1 break but you MUST rename it. Every section must have an individual name to link to, even if you just go with something simple like #muse1 #muse2 #muse3, so on and so forth.

  • Directly below that, add a scroll point  ( the yellow line ),  or as mentioned above, copy the previous scroll point and rename it if you don't know how to set one up.

  • Copy everything between  #muse1  and your new section and drag everything into place. Make sure you highlight the individual containers to delete instead of each individual element as that will save lots of time by copying and moving things all at once. If done right, you should only have to copy / move four things for each new muse you add (the title + two sections + the return button), unless you also need to copy the section breaks.

  • Link to the new muse bio wherever you wish. If you link within the carrd itself, such as linking to it from the muse roster here, then you can just link with #whateveryounamedthis, but if you link outside of the carrd (i.e. from tumblr) then you need to put the full link. So your link would be ( ).

How to Add Muses to the Roster

  • The muses are divided into rows of three. There is a new container for every row to prevent uneven spacing. To add more muses, you need to duplicate the container as a new one instead of adding to the same one, keeping only to a row of three per container.

  • Make a copy of the image and description sections and move them into place. There should only be two things to copy per new muse.

  • If a row has an empty space with no muse, click on the container, select the column that is empty (left, middle, or right) and check the box that says "use as spacer". If you have two muses in a row instead of three and want them to center, delete the empty column and the other two will adjust automatically. If you need to re-add the column later when adding another muse, just click "add column" and the sizes should also automatically adjust in that case as well.

How to Add More Categories

  • Make a new yellow scroll point and place it between the last category container and the dividing line before the "scroll to top" button, or wherever you want your new category to go if not at the bottom. Give the scroll point a unique name.

  • Copy a box with the category title and a box with the section of muses in it and move them below the new scroll point you have just made.

  • Click the category buttons at the top, add a new button, and link it to the scroll point you just made. You can rearrange the buttons if the order of the categories has changed.

Image Sizing

  • The banner on the front page is most suited for images at a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio depending on personal preference. It should be at least 1000px wide for best results. (The one that comes with the template is 2000px wide.)

  • Images on the muse roster are roughly around a 5:3 ratio. They will resize based on width, so don't worry about exact size other than matching them with each other by ratio. They work best if they are at least 360px wide or greater.

  • The tall image in the muse bio template is at a 9:16 ratio. It will also resize based on width. If you make the bio longer, you may want a taller image, or to add another column to the container so it does not outgrow the image too much and make the spacing look weird. The image here will work best with the current spacing if it is at least 450px wide or greater.

  • If you need help with image sizing, or re-sizing anything / fixing spacing, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on my blog and I'll try to help when I can.

  001   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  002   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  003   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.

  004   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  005   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  006   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.

  007   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  008   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.  009   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore laudantium. Nequeporro inventore so consectetur doloremque commodo. Eius quam. Odit molestiae or cupidatat. Ullam commodo adipisicing autem sit. Vitae eos laboriosam. Culpa. Minim aliquam voluptas or occaecat so consequatur for ab. Labore quia, architecto, amet. Laboriosam ullam. Nisi aperiam and incidunt yet ullamco. Vitae iure, yet qui for ipsa so eu quis magni. Adipisicing nulla. Laboris illo. Magnam cupidatat yet numquam in for nequeporro laboriosam. Numquam tempora so qui cupidatat. Fugit magna molestiae and non.

Canon Compliant. Faceclaim.
Short description.

Canon Divergent. Faceclaim.
Short description.

AU. Faceclaim.
Short description.

Canon Compliant. Faceclaim.
Short description.

Canon Divergent. Faceclaim.
Short description.

AU. Faceclaim.
Short description.

  jess.     27.     she / her.     est.  


  • this is a private, independent, and selective blog. i plan to mainly interact with mutuals once i get started, but i am likely to follow back if you follow me.

  • as i said, i’m new to indie so i’m still figuring out stuff with my characters and verses. just ask me if you have any questions! i don’t doubt that some things may be confusing. (my characters are not limited to their fandom/universe).

  • what i consider to be the general rules apply here. please no godmodding. please don’t spring any big or dramatic plots on me without any discussion.

  • i have a weird relationship with writing smut. in certain situations, i may be into it if it makes sense for the characters involved. i don't really write it that often. i am absolutely open to talking about it, though, as it comes. i'm not really into only writing smut. it might be part of a relationship, but it shouldn't be the whole purpose for writing them.

  format & aesthetics.  

  • all of y'all talented and aesthetic folks have my full admiration. i, however, am not focusing on the aesthetics of this blog at this time.

  • i will primarily use gifs in my interactions (size 268 x 151px). i may from time to time look into icons or gif icons. i will not use icons smaller than 80 x 80px. if you don't use graphics, i will probably match for our interractions.

  plotting & shipping.  

  • i’m big on chemistry and discovering different dynamics as we write.

  • i am a people pleaser first and foremost, so sometimes plotting can be hard for me. especially with new people. but i love chatting about our characters and figuring out where they are headed. i am usually game for almost anything, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

  • feel free to send me all of the musings and headcanons you want. i love that shit.

  • in regards to ships - again, chemistry is big for me, but i’m very open to shipping as long as we discuss it first. seriously, hit me up. just please don’t push any ships or relationships on me. do not assume a ship either for any of my characters. there are plenty of canon ships that i am not into, so it’s important that we talk.

  • i have a preference for wlw ships, but not exclusively. if you only want to write smut for ships, i'm not the writer for you!


  • i don’t have any specific triggers that need to be tagged, but please plan to tag any potentially triggering content and i will do the same. i tag triggers using ’[insert trigger] tw’.

  • please let me know if there is anything you need tagged. feel free to let me know if i missed any tags as well.


  • i will not roleplay with minors, so please don’t ask. in addition, i won’t roleplay with anyone who portrays any of the following: minors, real people/celebs, taboo plots.

  • i don’t have a list of banned fcs, but i won’t roleplay with fcs under the age of 18, deceased fcs, anyone who is problematic, and anyone that has asked not to be used.

  • weird and dumb, i know, but i really won't interract with fcs who don't have acting resources. (so celebs, models, etc). it just sort of takes me out of it sometimes to see gifs of someone in an interview or something.

  • i don't write with animated characters unless they are being written as real person (something about that doesn't sound how i want, but i hope you get it).

  • as previously mentioned, i am selective, so please don't be offended if i don't think we are good fit. i am likely not to follow back or write threads for blogs that reblog a lot of memes/musings but never write.


  • i am not affiliated with any of the characters, faceclaims, or shows that are featured on this blog. my writing is my own, and my portrayals are largely based on headcanons. it’s my interpretation, babeyyyy.

  • all original characters were created and written by me. please do not take any elements of these characters for your own use.

Firstname LastnameFandom Nametrigger tw, trigger tw, trigger tw
Firstname LastnameFandom Nametrigger tw, trigger tw, trigger tw
Firstname LastnameFandom Nametrigger tw, trigger tw, trigger tw
Firstname LastnameFandom Nametrigger tw, trigger tw, trigger tw
Firstname LastnameFandom Nametrigger tw, trigger tw, trigger tw
Firstname Lastname@blogurlFandomHighn/a
Firstname Lastname@blogurlFandomModeratesideblog
Firstname Lastname@blogurlFandomLown/a
headcanon about thingFirstname LastnameFandom
name of headcanonBlog-WideFandom
put whatever you want just make sure to link itVerse NameFandom

television muses.

click on the muse's name or photo for more details.

— criminal minds.

early-mid 30s. federal agent.
faceclaim: monica barbaro (alt).
primary canon character.

— gen v.

early 20s. student.
faceclaim: jaz sinclair.
secondary canon character.

— grey's anatomy.

mid 40s. neo-natal surgeon & obgyn.
faceclaim: kate walsh.
secondary canon character.

— grey's anatomy.

early 30s. surgical resident.
faceclaim: camilla luddington.
secondary canon character.

— law & order: svu.

mid-late 30s. asst. district attorney.
faceclaim: deborah ann woll (alt).
primary canon character.

— law & order: svu.

early 40s. lawyer.
faceclaim: oscar isaac (alt).
secondary canon character.

— new amsterdam.

mid 30s. head of emergency medicine.
faceclaim: janet montgomery.
primary canon character.

— new amsterdam.

mid 20s. club promoter.
faceclaim: molly gordon (alt).
secondary canon-ish character.

— one tree hill.

mid 20s. sales rep.
faceclaim: alexandra park (alt).
secondary canon character.

— shameless.

early-mid 20s. various.
faceclaim: emmy rossum.
primary canon character.

— succession.

early 30s. chief administrative officer.
faceclaim: alicia vikander.
testing original character.

— succession.

late 20s. executive assistant.
faceclaim: juliana canfield.
testing canon character.

— succession.

early 40s. head of PR and comms.
faceclaim: dagmara domińczyk.
primary canon character.

— succession.

mid 30s. PGM board member.
faceclaim: annabelle dexter-jones.
testing canon character.

— succession.

early to mid 30s. political strategist.
faceclaim: sarah snook.
primary canon character.

— succession.

mid 30s. senior finance manager.
faceclaim: dev patel.
testing original character.

— the bear.

mid 20s. chef.
faceclaim: ayo edebiri.
primary canon character.

— ted lasso.

late 30s. football coach.
faceclaim: brett goldstein.
testing canon character.


click on the muse's name or photo for more details.

— bottoms.

early 20s. student.
faceclaim: ruby cruz.
testing canon character.

— saltburn.

early 20s. student. rich.
faceclaim: alison oliver.
testing canon character.

— scream.

early 20s. student. clairvoyant.
faceclaim: jenna ortega.
secondary canon character.

— the conjuring universe.

early 20s. student. clairvoyant.
faceclaim: daisy edgar-jones.
testing canon-ish character.

— up in the air.

mid 40s. corporate marketing exec.
faceclaim: vera farmiga.
testing canon character.


click on the muse's name or photo for more details.

— fandomless.

mid 20s. event planner.
faceclaim: camila mendes.
testing original character.

— fandomless.

early to mid 40s. literary editor.
faceclaim: rachel mcadams.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

late 30s. art dealer.
faceclaim: emily blunt.
testing original character.

— fandomless.

mid 20s. flower shop owner.
faceclaim: naomi scott.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

late 20s. musician.
faceclaim: sophie cookson.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

early to mid 30s. journalist.
faceclaim: dianna agron.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

mid 20s. stressed out grad student.
faceclaim: jessica henwick.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

early 30s. executive assistant.
faceclaim: brenda song.
primary original character.

— fandomless.

mid 20s. bartender. sometimes artist.
faceclaim: priscilla quintana.
testing original character.

— fandomless.

mid 30s. private investigator.
faceclaim: gugu mbatha-raw.
testing original character.

— fandomless.

early 30s. restaurant owner.
faceclaim: raymond ablack.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

early 30s. child actor. talent manager.
faceclaim: adria arjona.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

early 40s. psychologist + professor.
faceclaim: gemma chan.
secondary original character.

— fandomless.

late 30s. intelligence officer (uc).
faceclaim: rebecca ferguson.
testing original character.


click on the muse's name or photo for more details. if you would like to interract with any of the below, please contact me first.

— fandomless.

early-mid 20s. freelancer.
faceclaim: emma mackey.
testing original character.

— chicago fire.

early-mid 30s. paramedic/firefighter.
faceclaim: monica raymund.
secondary canon character.

— grey's anatomy.

early-mid 40s. psychiatrist.
faceclaim: jordana brewster (alt).
secondary canon-ish character.

— the bold type.

mid 20s. fashion stylist.
faceclaim: meghann fahy.
secondary canon character.

— happy death day.

early 20s. student.
faceclaim: jessica rothe.
testing canon character.

coming soon

message me for deets if you want to plot/interract!


INTRO: my name is jess, i’m 27 years old, and i reside in the est timezone. i also use she/her pronouns. i’ve been in the rp world on and off for years, but this is my first time on indie. so, your patience is appreciated!ACTIVITY: i will likely have slow to moderate activity. i often operate off of a queue, but please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to talk about the status of a thread or are waiting on a reply. no promises, but i do not mind a nudge!CONTACT: i think i prefer discord if you have it (@not.jess) but tumblr is also totally fine!! just tell me who you are if you add me.MISC: i’m just here for fun, okay!! i want to write things that are fun, witty, angsty, dramatic, etc. it’s never going to be that deep to me, as long as everyone is respectful, we’re good.

PLOTTING & INTERACTIONS: look, i am an introvert, people pleaser, etc etc. i sometimes suck at reaching out to people because i don't want to be weird or bother them or whatever other hold up there is in my brain. but please know i am very interested in writing with you if you want to hit me up as i get better at...well, being a person.RULES & MUSES: you can find a list of my rules and muses by using the nav at the top.PERSONAL: i can also be found at my personal blog -


  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Blog-Wide.
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Exclusive , Blog-Wide.
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Exclusive with Musename

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide

— gen v.

early 20s. student.
faceclaim: geraldine viswanathan.
testing original character.

late 20s. probationary agent.
faceclaim: poppy drayton.
testing original character.

— ncis.


Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.Pariatur autem yet nostrum for illum fugit accusantium ratione. Do ullamco. Eu culpa yet ab so aliqua aspernatur. Nesciunt natus inventore, sint cillum laboriosam so voluptatem. Veritatis. Sunt. Tempor odit voluptate, for architecto so magnam. Corporis laudantium yet velitesse and eaque. Accusantium irure quae so exercitation magni.Quae accusantium. Non proident, but aliquid. Perspiciatis quae minima voluptas. Eius ullamco sunt or aperiam and do. Veniam ex. Dolorem. Id officia occaecat or iste dolor duis totam. Laboriosam numquam beatae. Consequatur explicabo yet incididunt. Fugiat odit or officia dolor eum aliquip. Consequat commodo explicabo. Consectetur. Ullamco illum unde dolorem. Ullamco lorem dolores but perspiciatis.Aute esse but quis, adipisicing. Omnis sed, modi, and ullam or ut illum. Amet nostrud. Mollit sed, iste for officia but quasi architecto. Irure dolorem exercitationem. Magnam sed so nostrum yet occaecat or ullam but voluptatem. Id veniam, nostrum. Consectetur. Esse. Aliquip ea. Excepteur nemo for ullam so aut.Lorem. Nihil dolore commodi for et, velit. Id sunt quaerat, magna. Accusantium lorem, perspiciatis quo fugiat in dolore. Nostrud enim nihil. Id aperiam. Reprehenderit et for nesciunt.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.Pariatur autem yet nostrum for illum fugit accusantium ratione. Do ullamco. Eu culpa yet ab so aliqua aspernatur. Nesciunt natus inventore, sint cillum laboriosam so voluptatem. Veritatis. Sunt. Tempor odit voluptate, for architecto so magnam. Corporis laudantium yet velitesse and eaque. Accusantium irure quae so exercitation magni.Quae accusantium. Non proident, but aliquid. Perspiciatis quae minima voluptas. Eius ullamco sunt or aperiam and do. Veniam ex. Dolorem. Id officia occaecat or iste dolor duis totam. Laboriosam numquam beatae. Consequatur explicabo yet incididunt. Fugiat odit or officia dolor eum aliquip. Consequat commodo explicabo. Consectetur. Ullamco illum unde dolorem. Ullamco lorem dolores but perspiciatis.Aute esse but quis, adipisicing. Omnis sed, modi, and ullam or ut illum. Amet nostrud. Mollit sed, iste for officia but quasi architecto. Irure dolorem exercitationem. Magnam sed so nostrum yet occaecat or ullam but voluptatem. Id veniam, nostrum. Consectetur. Esse. Aliquip ea. Excepteur nemo for ullam so aut.Lorem. Nihil dolore commodi for et, velit. Id sunt quaerat, magna. Accusantium lorem, perspiciatis quo fugiat in dolore. Nostrud enim nihil. Id aperiam. Reprehenderit et for nesciunt.


  NAME    Firstname Lastname  NICKNAME/ALIAS    nickname, alias  AGE    00  DATE OF BIRTH    Month Day, Year  GENDER & PRONOUNS    gender, they/them  ORIENTATION    ??sexual / ??romantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    human / ethnicity  NATIONALITY    nationality


  HEIGHT    0’00”  WEIGHT    000 lbs.  HAIR    hair  EYES    eyes  SCARS    scars  PIERCINGS    piercings  TATTOOS    tattoos  FACE CLAIM    Faceclaim


- parent
- parent
- sibling
- partner
- other
  PETS    pet  OCCUPATION    occupation  HOMETOWN    City, State / Country  CURRENT RESIDENCE    City, State / Country  LANGUAGES    language  ACCENT    accent


- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
  ASTROLOGY    ??? Sun, ??? Moon, ??? Rising  MBTI    XXXX-X  ENNEAGRAM    Type X Wing X  TEMPERAMENT    temperament


- ???
- ???
  POWERS / ABILITIES   - Ability — description


  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Exclusive , Relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , Relationship
NPC , Relationship
NPC , Relationship
NPC , Relationship


  Verse Name     Main Verse. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    Canon. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    Canon. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    AU. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    AU.     affiliated with @blogurl
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    AU. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.